
 The world of work has shifted. Has your leadership? 

Are you still developing your leaders in the same way?

We know leaders are the single greatest accelerator, or brake, to shifting your culture.

Today’s leaders need the capability to lead changes in ways of thinking and working, to lead teams differently. To do this, they must be prepared to shift their own way of thinking and working. Shift your leaders, shift your culture.

Leaders worth following.

Now, more than ever, leaders are expected to be worth following, to lead cultures worth belonging to and work worth doing, while investing in technology (and managing the distracting side effects), and dealing with shifting societal and regulatory demands. At the same time, they need to delight customers, keep their team safe, sustain growth and deliver results. Leading in such a world is not easy. It takes a lot of cognitive and emotional energy, and can sometimes be a lonely place.

Our Programs


Leadershift is our flagship program. Over six months, we work with cohorts of leaders from your organisation to challenge and guide them to shape and shift their leadership.

Leadershift includes 1:1 Coaching which provides additional scaffolding for leaders driving change in their teams. To lead CultureShift, they need the capability to lead changes in ways of working and thinking, to lead teams differently. Leaders must be prepared to shift their own thinking and behaviours.

Program Benefits:

  • Designed for experienced leaders

  • Multi-modal: online and face to face

  • Challenge to rethink and unlearn

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Leaderlift is specifically designed for operational frontline leaders and focuses on the daily behaviours and skills they need to lead themselves and their teams.

LeaderLift can be tailored to your industry and organisation.

Program Benefits:

  • Engage and develop new and emerging frontline leaders in new ways of working and leading

  • Put safety at the core.

  • Build foundations for emerging leaders.

  • Delivered online or face-to-face onsite.

Leadership Coaching

We believe individual coaching is a powerful way to shift your leadership. The People Game specialise in connecting experienced executives who now Coach with leaders looking for one on one support. All of our Coaches have operated in the most senior levels of organisations, with deep expertise in leadership development.

We offer coaching programs, tiered by the level of leadership in the organisation. Each coaching program is bespoke to the individual with tailored outcomes dependent on the individual needs of the Leader.

OurĀ Coaching Programs:

  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Career Transition Coaching
  • Targeted Coaching

All Coaching Programs include recommended Reading and Listening material as relevant.

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Shift your flow of work to create capacity for what is around the corner.

  • Readiness
  • Perspective
  • Deliberate calm
  • Habits & hacks

Multiply the performance of your teams. Small shifts in how you lead deliver big results.

  • Clarity
  • Connection
  • Choice
  • Challenge
  • Capacity

How to give people what they want by leading cultures that work:

  • Purpose
  • Belonging
  • Mastery
  • Autonomy

Update your leadership stack to lead today:

  • Clarity
  • Connection
  • Capability
  • Choice
  • Control, shift, delete.

Lead work & teams through the never normal:

  • Expanding perspective
  • Sense-making & pathfinding
  • Adapting & executing

Building in your recharge upfront:

  • Navigating intersections
  • Creating Capacity
  • What matters most

We design experiences with you, for you. 

We believe leaders multiply culture and are the key to shifting culture and teams.

Leadership Capability Frameworks

We are accredited in a range of leadership capability assessment and profiling tools. The People Game works with clients to design, develop and deliver leadership capability frameworks and bespoke development programs.

Bespoke Leadership Development Programs

Design and deliver bespoke leadership development programs with us all the way from the frontline, emerging, and senior levels. We can also focus on executive development with workshops, group coaching, coaching and mentoring.

Bespoke Leadership Cohesion Programs

You can pick from a variety of team building and alignment sessions for leadership teams. These may range from engaging half-day team-building sessions to conferences, facilitated offsites, and executive retreats.

Not sure which program is for you?

Contact The People Game team to learn more.

Shift to a culture that works. A culture that will grow and sustain your organisation. A sticky culture where people want to stick around.

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Shift to a culture that works. A culture that will grow and sustain your organisation. A sticky culture where people want to stick around.

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