Team Shift

Shift your teams, shift your culture.

Meredith Belbin’s philosophy, “nobody is perfect but a team can be” applies now more than ever. We have deep expertise working with CEOs and Executive Leadership Teams. We also love working with new and established teams.

Team Days

Our ready to roll Team Day program "How We Roll" is enjoyable and effective. Once you've briefed us on your team's make-up, context and challenges, we'll take it from there.

The Benefits:

  • No pre-work for your team members.
  • Create meaningful connection and cohesion, while boosting collaboration.
  • Align your teams to meet challenges and opportunities ahead.
  • Commit to ways of working together.
  • Wrap up there, or head onto drinks or a meal together.
  • Receive four weeks of nudge emails following the workshop to keep the learnings front of mind.

Retreats, Conferences, and Offsites

Team building and alignment sessions for Leadership teams may range from engaging half-day team-building sessions to Conferences, facilitating offsites, and Executive Retreats.

Profile Based Teamshift

Profile-based programs are a popular and effective approach to bringing teams together. We can help you shift your teams with our engaging tools, including:

  • Individual Reports.
  • Team Reports and Leader Debriefs.
  • Facilitated Leadership Team Sessions (4-hour workshop) based on team reports.
  • Individual Debriefing and/or Coaching add-ons.

Choose from Gallup’s Clifton Strengths, Human Synergistics’ LSI or a range of other profiling options.

Some other tools we use include:

  • Emotional Culture Deck - an easier way to surface and talk about feelings.
  • Lego Serious Play - build Lego mini characters to team landscapes.
  • SuperPowers - understand your strengths and others.
  • Pitch Deck - boost creativity and innovation.
  • Wellbeing Deck - focus on well-being and recharging energy.

Not sure which program is best for your team?

Contact The People Game team to learn more.

Shift to a culture that works. A culture that will grow and sustain your organisation. A sticky culture where people want to stick around.

Contact us

Shift to a culture that works. A culture that will grow and sustain your organisation. A sticky culture where people want to stick around.

Contact us